Select items you need to get rid of:

Paint and Household Toxics

Paint and Household Toxics image

Paint Items Only

Includes latex and oil-based paints, primers, stains, sealers, shellacs, varnishes, etc.

Paint Items Only image

Household Toxics Only

Not including paint items.

Household Toxics Only image

Paint and Household Toxics

Dropping off household toxics and paint items? If you have both, make a free drop-off appointment through OCRRA to bring them to Miller Environmental Group (off Hiawatha Blvd.). In your appointment confirmation email, you’ll receive instructions how to prepare your items and where to bring them.

Monday: 8am to 3pm
Thursday: 8am to 3pm
Friday: 8am to 3pm
The first Saturday of every month: 8am to noon

Please wait until you have at least a box full of toxics ready for drop-off before making an appointment. This program is free to residents. However, OCRRA pays a flat fee for each appointment, regardless of the number of household toxics you bring. Help keep costs down by bringing items in bulk, so we can continue to offer this essential service at no charge.

Ask friends or neighbors if they have items you can bring in for them. While you collect them, store items in a safe area, away from children and pets.

Business materials (toxics) are not accepted under OCRRA’s household toxics program. Review the NYSDEC’s hazardous waste management guide for small businesses.

Residents of the Town and Village of Skaneateles are NOT eligible for this toxics program as they are not part of the OCRRA service area.

Paint Care Items Accepted:

  • Interior and exterior architectural paints: latex, acrylic, water-based, alkyd, oil-based, enamel (including textured coatings)
  • Deck coatings, floor paints (including elastomeric)
  • Primers, sealers, undercoaters
  • Stains
  • Shellacs, lacquers, varnishes, urethanes (single component)
  • Waterproofing concrete/masonry/wood sealers and repellents (not tar or bitumen-based)
  • Metal coatings, rust preventatives
  • Field and lawn paints

Containers that are leaking or empty, and containers without the original printed manufacturer’s label are not accepted. If you do not see your paint-related item listed here, contact PaintCare at 1-855-PAINT09 (1-855-724-6809) or [email protected] to see if it is acceptable. If your item is not a PaintCare accepted item, check the household toxics accepted list to see if you need to make an OCRRA household toxics drop-off appointment.

Household Toxics Accepted:

General Items

  • Toxic products
  • Flammable products
  • Poisonous products
  • Corrosive products

Auto products

  • Antifreeze
  • Body filler
  • Brake fluid
  • Diesel fuel
  • Engine degreaser
  • Gasoline (Cans can be returned; don’t pour out at home.)
  • Transmission fluid

Cleaning Supplies

  • Oven cleaner
  • Drain cleaner
  • Lye
  • Toilet bowl cleaner
  • Floor and furniture polish

Gardening Supplies

  • Herbicides
  • Pesticides

Painting Supplies

  • Brush cleaner
  • Mineral spirits
  • Paint stripper
  • Paint thinner
  • Solvents
  • Spray paint
  • Turpentine
  • Wood preservatives containing pesticides

Household Items

Onondaga County residents (with the exception of Skaneateles) may bring up to 20 gal. of acceptable liquids & up to 30 lbs. of acceptable solids through OCRRA’s Household Toxics Management Program. Containers may be no larger than 5 gallons. Fees may apply beyond the stated limits.

*These items are acceptable if brought in with other materials. They can also be managed outside this program. Click the links above for year-round options that do not require making a household hazardous waste appointment.

Search OCRRA’s database to find the right way to get rid of household toxics we do not accept.

The costs associated with OCRRA’s Household Toxics Program are underwritten by OCRRA and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.

Paint Items Only

New York now has a program, PaintCare, that makes recycling unwanted paints and paint products even easier by offering more free drop-off locations.

The PaintCare program is free and open to all residents and businesses in Onondaga County. Up to 5 gallons accepted per visit (some locations take more).

If you are only dropping off paint, stain, waterproofing or other accepted PaintCare products, visit any PaintCare drop-off site. Each site has its own hours and volume limits, but all drop-offs are free. Find the location closest to you and follow instructions for that site. For questions about PaintCare, call 1-855-PAINT09 (1-855-724-6809) or email [email protected] for details.

Paint Care Items Accepted:

  • Interior and exterior architectural paints: latex, acrylic, water-based, alkyd, oil-based, enamel (including textured coatings)
  • Deck coatings, floor paints (including elastomeric)
  • Primers, sealers, undercoaters
  • Stains
  • Shellacs, lacquers, varnishes, urethanes (single component)
  • Waterproofing concrete/masonry/wood sealers and repellents (not tar or bitumen-based)
  • Metal coatings, rust preventatives
  • Field and lawn paints

Containers that are leaking or empty, and containers without the original printed manufacturer’s label are not accepted. If you do not see your paint-related item listed here, contact PaintCare at 1-855-PAINT09 (1-855-724-6809) or [email protected] to see if it is acceptable. If your item is not a PaintCare accepted item, check the household toxics accepted list to see if you need to make an OCRRA household toxics drop-off appointment.

Household Toxics Only

If you only have items on the household toxics list, make a free drop-off appointment through OCRRA to bring them to Miller Environmental Group (off Hiawatha Blvd.). In your appointment email, you’ll receive instructions on how to prepare your items and where to bring them.

If you are planning ahead, note the updated schedule for 2024 drop-offs:
Monday: 8am to 3pm
Thursday: 8am to 3pm
Friday: 8am to 3pm
The first Saturday of every month: 8am to noon

Please wait until you have at least a box full of toxics ready for drop off before making an appointment. This program is free to residents. However, OCRRA pays a flat fee for each appointment, regardless of the number of household toxics you bring. Help keep costs down by bringing items in bulk, so we can continue to offer this essential service at no charge.

Ask friends or neighbors if they have items you can bring in for them. While you collect them, store items in a safe area, away from children and pets.

Business materials are not accepted under OCRRA’s household toxics program. Review the NYSDEC’s hazardous waste management guide for small businesses.

Residents of the Town and Village of Skaneateles are NOT eligible for this program as they are not part of the OCRRA service area.

Household Toxics Accepted:

General Items

  • Toxic products
  • Flammable products
  • Poisonous products
  • Corrosive products

Auto products

  • Antifreeze
  • Body filler
  • Brake fluid
  • Diesel fuel
  • Engine degreaser
  • Gasoline (Cans can be returned; don’t pour out at home.)
  • Transmission fluid

Cleaning Supplies

  • Oven cleaner
  • Drain cleaner
  • Lye
  • Toilet bowl cleaner
  • Floor and furniture polish

Gardening Supplies

  • Herbicides
  • Pesticides

Painting Supplies

  • Brush cleaner
  • Mineral spirits
  • Paint stripper
  • Paint thinner
  • Solvents
  • Spray paint
  • Turpentine
  • Wood preservatives containing pesticides

Household Items

Onondaga County residents (with the exception of Skaneateles) may bring up to 20 gal. of acceptable liquids & up to 30 lbs. of acceptable solids through OCRRA’s Household Toxics Management Program. Containers may be no larger than 5 gallons. Fees may apply beyond the stated limits.

*These items are acceptable if brought in with other materials. They can also be managed outside this program. Click the links above for year-round options that do not require making a household hazardous waste appointment.

Search OCRRA’s database to find the right way to get rid of household toxics we do not accept.

The costs associated with OCRRA’s Household Toxics Program are underwritten by OCRRA and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.