OCRRA is the Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency. That’s a fancy way of saying we’re the group that oversees what happens to waste and recycling materials from Onondaga County communities. We’ve been working to keep neighborhoods like yours cleaner and healthier since 1990.

OCRRA’s Mission

To serve our community by providing a comprehensive municipal solid waste management system that is environmentally, socially and financially sound. Through innovative strategies, such as waste reduction, recycling, resource recovery, composting, disposal and education, we make our community a healthier and more sustainable place to live.

OCRRA’s Vision

Maintain a leading municipal solid waste management system that benefits our community and environment.

OCRRA’s Core Values

  • Integrity, Honesty and Transparency
  • Environmental Stewardship and Safety
  • Fiscal Responsibility
  • Excellence in Services
    • Customer Service, Public Participation and Community Relations

Currently, OCRRA programs include:

Through residents like you, these programs help Onondaga County save the world a little each day!

Find more information about saving the environment or local green initiatives!