Recycling is an easy way to empower students!
Most children have their first experience protecting the planet when they begin recycling. Kids who learn how to properly separate trash from recyclables will take those lessons home and help their entire family recycle right. OCRRA has great resources for teachers that fit into NYS curriculum requirements for grades 3 – 5, so they can be easily integrated into lesson plans.
Recycling Facts
Recycling not only saves resources for future generations, it is required by our county’s Source Separation Law. Learn about what is recyclable outside of the recycling bin (electronics, film plastics, textiles, fluorescent bulbs and food waste).
Visit the “How Do I Get Rid Of…?” page to search the database and make sure that you’re disposing of waste properly.

Set up your school recycling program
Your individual program will be affected by your size, hauling contract, staffing, and school culture. There are various recycling models to choose from, but consistency in each grade level helps students and staff succeed. OCRRA’s Recycling Specialists offer advice based on what has worked in similar environments and find the right program for you.
Get started now with these ideas:
- Take an inventory of classrooms and cafeterias where paper is generated. Don’t forget the teacher’s lounge, shop, art and music classes.
- Make sure each room has well-labeled recycling and trash receptacles next to each other.
- Make sure your hauler picks up both trash and recycling.
- Schedule training for custodial staff.
- Use the Recycling Pledge (below) or classroom competitions to generate interest and educate students.
- Consider adding composting to your cafeteria!
- Invite an OCRRA recycling specialist to visit.
The School Pledge Program
Are you a teacher, administrator, or custodian who believes recycling is important?
Wondering how to get everyone involved? OCRRA offers many FREE tools to get your school on the recycling bandwagon. Our newest tool is the School Recycling Pledge!
This 2 x 3 foot framed pledge highlights your school’s commitment to recycling. Have key people such as the principal, administrators, custodians, teachers, and students sign it and then display it prominently. This will show the world your promise to maintain an excellent recycling program.
OCRRA has a pledge available for every school in Onondaga County; all you have to do is call and ask for yours. Email us today or call 453-2866 to learn more about getting a free pledge for your school!
How effective is the pledge at increasing recycling? Check out our School Pledge Survey results to find out.

Schools with Great Recycling Programs that Endorse the Pledge:
- Bellevue Middle School Academy (Syracuse) Blodgett School (Syracuse)
- Brewerton Elementary School (Central Square) Cherry Road Elementary School (Westhill)
- Cicero Elementary School (North Syracuse)
- Cicero-North Syracuse High School (North Syracuse)
- CW Baker High School (Baldwinsville)
- Danforth Middle School (Syracuse)
- Delaware Acadamy (Syracuse)
- Donlin Drive Elementary School (Liverpool)
- Driver Middle School (Marcellus)
- Eagle Hill Middle School (Fayetteville-Manlius)
- East Syracuse-Minoa High School (East Syracuse-Minoa)
- Ed Smith School (Syracuse)
- Elmcrest Elementary School (Liverpool)
- Elmwood Elementary School (Syracuse)
- Fabius Pompey
- Elementary School (Fabius)
- Fabius Pompey Middle School-High School (Fabius)
- Fayetteville Elementary School (Fayetteville-Manlius)
- Gillette Road Middle School (North Syracuse)
- Grimshaw Elementary School (LaFayette)
- H.W. Smith Elementary School (Syracuse)
- Holy Cross School (Syracuse Diocese)
- Hughes Magnet School (Syracuse)
- Huntington School (Syracuse)
- Jamesville-DeWitt Middle School (Jamesville-DeWitt)
- Jordan-Elbridge High School (Jordan-Elbridge)
- KC Heffernan Elementary School (Marcellus)
- LaFayette Junior/Senior High School (LaFayette)
- Levy Middle School (Syracuse)
- Liverpool Elementary School (Liverpool)
- Liverpool High School Ninth Grade Annex (Liverpool)
- Long Branch Elementary School (Liverpool)
- Marcellus High School (Marcellus)
- Meachem Elementary School (Syracuse)
- Montessori Discovery School (Private)
- Moses-DeWitt Elementary School (Jamesville-DeWitt)
- Nate Perry Elementary School (Liverpool)
- Onondaga Nation School (LaFayette)
- Palmer Elementary (Baldwinsville)
- Roberts School (Syracuse)
- Rockwell Elementary School (Onondaga Central)
- Roxboro Road Elementary School (North Syracuse)
- Roxboro Road Middle School (North Syracuse)
- Seymour Elementary School (Syracuse)
- Solvay Elementary School (Solvay)
- Solvay High School (Solvay)
- Soule Road Elementary School (Liverpool)
- Southside Charter Academy (Charter)
- Split Rock Elementary School (West Genesee)
- St. Margaret’s School (Syracuse Diocese)
- Stonehedge Elementary School-Blue (West Genesee)
- Stonehedge Elementary School-Gold (West Genesee)
- Tully Elementary School (Tully)
- Van Buren Elementary School (Baldwinsville)
- Walberta Park Primary School (Westhill)
- Webster Elementary School (Syracuse)
- Wellwood Middle School (Fayetteville-Manlius)
- Wetzel Road Elementary School (Liverpool)
List updated: 4/30/14