#1 - Reduce

Remember to plan ahead when purchasing; buy only the amount of product you need so you don’t have to dispose of excess later.

#2 - Dispose

Aerosols that contain or previously contained paint of any type:
If they still contain paint, bring them to OCRRA’s Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off. If the are completely empty, place them in the trash.

Aerosols that contain hazardous materials:

These items should NOT go in the trash or recycling bin. OCRRA accepts these items during Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Offs. You must make a reservation in advance

While OCRRA provides this service for free, in reality, it costs about $50 per vehicle, to safely manage these materials!

Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Offs are just one of the many great services OCRRA provides our community. OCRRA’s services are predominantly funded by trash disposal fees and the revenue generated by the sale of electricity at the Waste-to-Energy Facility.

Aerosols that are EMPTY, but previously held hazardous contents:
Should be thrown in the trash.

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