#1 - Recycle

1) “Real” Christmas trees are accepted at OCRRA’s Amboy and Jamesville Compost Sites during special hours from Jan. 2 – Jan. 12, 2023 (excluding weekends). Hours are Mon. – Fri. from 7:30 am – 3:30 pm . There are no weekend hours.

There is no cost to drop off a tree; you do not need a Compost Site Pass to drop a tree off.

Real trees are used to create mulch for gardens and landscaping. That is why it is so important to REMOVE all decorations, lights, tinsel, stands, and plastic bags from trees prior to dropping them off at either site.

2) Some towns and villages provide “real” tree pick-up. Call your local highway department for more information.

#2 - Reuse

Artificial trees should NEVER be added to curbside recycling. If your artificial tree may be donated, do not simply drop it off outside of a thrift shop. Instead, call ahead to check with your local thrift store to find out if they are accepting artificial trees and inquire about their rules for accepting them.

#3 - Dispose

Artificial trees can be treated as trash. Check with your hauler to see if they will collect it or bring it to Rock Cut Road Drop-Off Site.

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